Jep Gambardella / Pexels

Learn | 05.17.2024

The 8 Best Twitter Accounts To Follow For Personal Growth In 2024

Upgrade your feed, upgrade your life.

If you’re looking to revitalize both your thought feed and your Twitter feed, you’ve landed in the perfect spot.

With a seemingly endless sea of wellness accounts out there, finding the best ones can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry—we’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

Here are our top picks for Twitter accounts that champion personal growth and wellness.

Brianna Wiest @briannawiest

Remarkably wise is an understatement. Brianna Wiest offers graceful insight into the complex journey of self-discovery. As the author of nine transformative books, including 101 Essays That Will Change Your Life and The Mountain Is You, Wiest has profoundly impacted thousands through her work by helping them better understand their hearts, minds, and souls.

With every tweet, she gracefully shares lessons from her own life, helping followers navigate the beautiful maze that is life with elegance and honesty. Follow her for a regular infusion of self-awareness and personal growth.

James Clear @JamesClear

James Clear offers serious practical wisdom on habit formation and personal development. Best known for his bestselling book Atomic Habits, James has mastered the art of breaking down complex topics into actionable, bite-sized strategies.

Following James on Twitter is like having a mini-coach in your pocket, constantly encouraging you to make small changes that lead to massive gains.

Lewis Howes @LewisHowes

Former professional athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur Lewis Howe’s Twitter feed is a source of constant motivation and inspiration. Host of the popular podcast The School of Greatness, Lewis shares uplifting stories, interviews, and personal reflections that encourage holistic success and well-being.

His tweets often provide powerful reminders about the importance of perseverance, mental health, and setting ambitious goals.

Deepak Chopra @DeepakChopra

Have you seen a wellness list without Deepak Chopra on it?

A world-renowned figure in mind-body medicine and personal transformation, Chopra’s Twitter account serves as a digital sanctuary for those seeking enlightenment and practical wisdom on spirituality, health, and mindfulness.

Deepak offers insights from decades of experience in integrative medicine and personal wellness with each tweet. His thoughtful posts delve into meditation practices, consciousness, and ways to achieve inner peace.

Bréne Brown @BreneBrown

Brené Brown is a celebrated researcher and storyteller whose work on vulnerability, courage, and empathy has captivated millions. Author of transformative books like Rising Strong and Dare to Lead, Brown’s twitter feed is an extension of her teachings. She shares insights, challenges societal norms, and provides supportive advice that encourages personal growth and emotional resilience.

Chris Williamson @ChrisWillx

Chris Williamson is a standout voice in personal development, known for his straightforward approach to self-improvement and career success. On Twitter, Chris breaks down complex ideas into clear, easy-to-follow advice that helps his followers tackle both personal and professional challenges.

His tweets cover everything from simple productivity tips and motivational boosts to smart strategies for advancing your career.

Mel Robbins @melrobbins

Mel Robbins is renowned for her direct, no-fluff advice that helps people take action and achieve their goals. Her Twitter feed is an extension of her practical motivational tools, like the famous “Five Second Rule” which she discusses in her bestselling book. Mel’s tweets frequently feature empowering quotes, quick tips, and personal stories that inspire confidence and urgency.

Jay Shetty @jayshetty

Bringing ancient wisdom to modern life, Jay Shetty’s ideas are wrapped in compassion and practicality. Jay distills timeless truths into advice that resonates with millions. As a former monk, Jay infuses ancient teachings, like those from the Vedas, into his work to explore themes of mindfulness, relationships, and purpose.

His Twitter often explores ways to live more thoughtful, fulfilling lives, with a cheesy quote every now and then.

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